Virtual Learning
- Mar 10, 2025
Virtual Learning (desktop/laptop and mobile devices)
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Ethics' goal is to make the world a better place. Through their values and principles, engineering's professional codes of ethics are designed to do just that by telling us how to act ethically and how to be a morally decent engineer.
This presentation will first review what professional codes of ethics are, how they function, and what virtues are assumed in their guidance, and then delve into the duties all engineers have, including when and how to blow the whistle on wrongdoing in the field.
Participants are encouraged to have their professional Code of Ethics available for discussion.
Dr. Dennis Cooley is Professor of Philosophy and Ethics and Director of the Northern Plains Ethics Institute at NDSU. Cooley received his Ph.D. in Philosophy from the University of Rochester in 1995. His teaching and research interests include theoretical and applied ethics with a focus on pragmatism, bioethics, business ethics, personhood, and death and dying. He is the author or editor of five books and a number of professional ethics articles. Cooley is editor of Springer's International Library of Bioethics, the NPEI's Northern Plains Ethics Journal, and former Associate Editor of Elsevier France's Ethics, Medicine and Public Health.His service to the profession also includes executive board membership on both the Association for Practical and Professional Ethics (APPE) and Humanities ND.
Target Audience
This presentation is beneficial to everyone.