Virtual Learning
Local Road Safety Plans
- Feb 18, 2020
Virtual Learning (desktop/laptop and mobile devices)
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FHWA has identified developing a Local Roads Safety Plan as an effective starting point to making roads safer. Local Road Safety Plans are developed using a data driven systematic approach of reviewing the features of a roadway network (shoulder widths, curve radius, etc.) to determine safety issues that exist. The analysis looks at each roadway segment, intersection and curve and identifies location specific safety improvements to consider. Safety improvements focus on low-cost high-impact strategies that have proven to be effective, such as installing chevron signs on curves or edgeline rumble strips. This presentation will educate local agencies on the process of developing these plans and the benefits.
The Wyoming Technology Transfer Center developed a five-step methodology to improve roadway safety on reservations through a project funded by the Wyoming DOT and matched by the Mountain-Plains Consortium. The methodology applied for this study provided tools to prioritize safety improvements on three reservations. A combination of data driven, field verification, and trend analysis was used in the study to help identify low-cost safety improvement projects. The five-step methodology has been implemented on local roads managed by counties throughout the state of Wyoming.
Renae Kuehl has worked at SRF Consulting Group, Inc. as a traffic safety engineer for 19 years. Her experience covers a wide range of traffic engineering areas, providing a well-rounded understanding of traffic operations, impacts and safety. She has worked with all counties in Minnesota and North Dakota to develop county specific Local Road Safety Plans. Her areas of expertise include road safety plans and audits, crash analysis and safe routes to school/school related traffic studies. In addition, Renae regularly works with the Minnesota Local Road Research Board's (LRRB) Research Implementation Committee.
Dr. Khaled Ksaibati is Director of the Wyoming Technology Transfer Center, assisting local agencies and individuals with technical transportation knowledge; communicating new and developing technology, responding to direct requests, providing reference materials, and conducting T2/LTAP workshops.
Dr. Ksaibati has a B.S. in Civil Engineering from Wayne University, and a M.S. and Ph.D from Purdue. He is a Board Member of the Mountain Plains Consortium, coordinator of the Wyoming Materials Certification Program, and a committee member of the Wyoming Safety Management Systems. Dr. Ksaibati developed and implemented the Wyoming Rural Roads Safety Program (WRRSP).
Target Audience
Local roadway agencies: counties, township, tribal, private and federal. Planners, engineers and maintenance crews from local agencies.