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Traffic calming involves using physical roadway features to reduce automobile speeds or volumes. Although traffic calming is commonly associated with measures applied to neighborhood residential streets, practices have evolved in recent years with potential applications on other roads in a variety of...
This presentation will discuss and share information on the importance of relaying knowledge, processes and information on to others within your organization before the sole proprietor of the knowledge walks out the door either planned or unplanned. Preserving and replacing the tacit knowledge your seasoned...
The Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) industry is evolving very rapidly. These advances in technology can be used to improve processes and accuracy within the transportation industry. This presentation will cover the latest advances in UAS technology and how we can utilize these tools to improve our processes...
Construction contracts are unique. This presentation is designed to help you understand what makes construction contracts unique. Though unique, construction contracts share many attributes with other kinds of contracts, including rules of interpretation. The presentation will focus on the clauses within...
This presentation is designed to walk attendees through the NEPA process and provide an understanding of how it can be utilized on State DOT projects. Discussions will provide a background/history of NEPA and its importance to our management of state resources while also combining the federal regulatory...
The most difficult area for pricing construction changes and claims, especially delays, involves providing compensation for overhead and profit. This includes the proper application of reasonable mark ups. This course will define the two basic types of overhead (field and home office). It will then show...
In most agencies doing winter maintenance around the US the use of ice-control chemicals has become the norm over the last three decades. But what do you want those chemicals to do for your operations? The real secret to understanding chemicals in winter maintenance is to know that we do not use them...
Get past the drama of difficult people, improve work relationships, reduce stress, and keep calm when kittens become tigers at work. Explore solutions to managing conflict, different cultures, generations and difficult personalities to better lead and succeed. Participants will benefit by: Exploring...